Saturday 18 January 2014

Running with a purpose.

It was an unenthusiastic Geoff who stepped out of the house this evening. I possibly might have jacked it if it hadn't been for support of wife, need to feed the ever hungry blog and task I had before me. Nicky had left her umbrella at Pizza Express in Weybridge last night so I was gallantly going to run over to get it. It took me until the P&G hill to become enthused and warmed up. After that it became an absolute joy. I'm still not back to standard I was by marathon last year (hey it's only been a couple of weeks) and I've not been pushing run to much for fear of getting the hamstring drama back but this run was great. I saw any hill and attacked it, obstacle I leapt it, banana peel, I slipped on it. On the way back I had to carry a long cath kidtson umbrella which took a while for me to figure out was best to carry  at the port like a rifle. It drew some interesting double takes.

It was a 6.63 run in 1hr2mins with some hills involved. I look forward to that being 40 minutes. Judging by the endorphins that were pumping round me when I completed my sprint finish and walked up and down like a winning race horse, I'm going to enjoy putting the miles in. As I paced up and down outside my house I realised it was raining and felt that all was for the best in this best of possible worlds. The song on my phone could have been written for me, the burn in my thighs was begging to be enjoyed and the umbrella became my Excalibur. An image of my residual self perception at that moment would have made the finest physical specimen of Spartan warrior wish he'd put in a few extra hours at the gym. The post box jumped out at me so it got the good news from my finest fencing moves.

The cleansing mist of rain
Clad his bold stalking form
As he paced like a lion
Relishing the chase
Reliving the kill
But too blown for his fill

Sad people should run. The high one feels is better and cheaper than drugs. Although I must say my experience is rather limited in the drugs field. Definitely cheaper and better for you.

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