Tuesday 7 January 2014

Made a friend

At the pool this morning.

I was overtaking a large man in the fast lane and suddenly felt a bump on my head. I looked up to see a woman looking at me where there had previously been no woman before (a siren? no, that would have made me crash into a rock and she wasn't singing). I apologised, she seemed to move off so I continued. When I got back she was waiting to accost me! Reapplying apology and turning the Hurst charm up to 11 I hoped she would be OK but no, I was due a telling off. I drew breath and stood by. Why was I going the wrong way? What was I thinking? She was bleeding on her head! It really hurt!

I told her I was overtaking, had looked up but didn't see anything and before I could describe the mix of shortsightedness with overtaking splashy man (and her being underwater from turn when I looked up I think on reflection) I was accused of not paying attention. I offered to look at her head to make sure she was OK but she didn't want to take her swimming hat off. I agreed that I should be more careful and proceeded on my way.

To find she was waiting for me again! Apparently I didn't swim up against the rope (this isn't quite true, I actually meander in the water which is a bit of a problem for me in open water but not to the extent of going into oncoming traffic) and that was why I had hit her. Add lying to my list of offenses folks.

I told her I would endeavor to stay in line and off I sploshed.

To be accosted again! Did I not know how much it hurt? No, I didn't, I have had worse collision, not always my fault with many other swimmers of all ages and sexes and never had this reaction. However I told her I had already apologised and that there was nothing else I could do and off I went. The next time she pounced I ignored her.
My question, dear reader, is at which point I should have told her to man up? She uses the pool at the same time as me each day so don't want to make an enemy but gosh what a reaction. My toddler is more hardy (though she is Hurst stock).

1 comment:

  1. Clearly her repeat pestering was as a result of cranking up the Hurst charm, schoolboy error there.
    Although I have to say I do pity the poor woman, a collision with you at full speed could be lethal. As can the Hurst charm... ;-) x
