Wednesday 29 January 2014


My blog has let you down lately, entries have been perfunctory and insights short sighted. My apologies.

This lunchtime I went for a run on the local common and had a jolly wet and slippery time. Leaving the house I was a bit achy and stiff from previous beastings and sitting still in front of a laptop all morning but by the time I had fallen over for the first time I was feeling joyful. Podcast of choice was The Bugle which entertained me but mid way I switched to  nothing to enjoy some solitude and reflect on the content of today's blog. Here goes.

I have always enjoyed triathlon as a test of my own ability to push myself and whilst I do hope to not disgrace myself I've never thought of myself as a serious competitor. Looking around in transition and being told the average cost of bike is much higher than mine, seeing the sleek look of wetsuit clad competitors lining up besides me pre swim and knowing the lengths a lot of triathletes go to gain seconds over the race, I am used to feeling a sense of barely contained trepidation pre race. Through experience I've learnt to ignore the fat jokes, the guys with all the gear and the bravado tales of training derring do. I hold my own on the swim, overtake pointy people on the bike then stagger around the run in an asthmatic and sciatic cloud of self pity. 

I set myself targets for timings but I must be honest and say that knowing I have friends doing Ironman Wales I am starting to feel an edge of competiveness creeping in. I hear the mention of one of their training sessions whether it be hilly bike, long swim including fight with lady over lane discipline (snap) or day of multiple sessions and start comparing it to my own efforts. I have to trust myself that following a rough schedule based on a training plan previously created for me by @pinkcycling (follow her please, a great personal trainer) and being diligent in stretching and back strengthening (lesson learnt from the half iron) I will do myself justice. And smash the competition. I mean humiliate my friends and colleagues against whom I'm racing. I mean enjoy the race for its own sake (and get into the top 50%??). 

I'm not willing to make the lifestyle changes that would be needed to really compete, I enjoy my job so much partly because of its varied patterns of working, I love spending time with family and I am too genetically borderline alcoholic to reduce my fine wine waistline dramatically. Volunteering with the air cadets, socialising and being a grown up (taking bins out, dealing with financial advisors, gardening etc) fiercely compete for spare time. Sometimes I use this as an excuse to myself then I man up and use it as a spur to make the most of the opportunities I do get to train.

In conclusion I'm happy with my progress. Somewhere, someone is training harder than I am and I can live with that. That's not to say I shouldn't keep pushing myself though and you are all invited to help so next time you see a cake heading towards my face tell me off or slap it out my hands. If you want to socialise with me invite me out for a run or bike ride. Next time you buy me a drink go for white wine or G&T. Ask me how my training is going. Complement me if progress is seen. Ridicule me remorselessly if not. Play to my spirit of competitiveness as it is 75% against myself that I compete. Watch out fellow triathletes, I might be fat, but I'm slow. And determined. Like an obese Duracell bunny.

Here is a picture of my legs today shortly after I had cleaned in a puddle.


  1. If I were a psycologist I think I could make a fortune analysing this post!

    I would break it down into two sections, 1 Is your goal to finish ironman? 2, is your goal to be competitive at ironman?

    If 1 is the answer then the training you are doing is perfect. My ironman goal is to finish, I have zero competitiveness in this race so long runs, long cycles and hopefully in the lakes long swims.

    If its 2 then everything you mentioned has to change and a total diet, drink intake would require radical adjustment. I train 3 times a day to be competitive at Super Sprint, I love the competition, the heart rate that's 160 plus for 45 mins straight, the challenge which I know I'm competitive at

  2. Sorry hit word limit, anyway yes obviously your goal is ironman but I know you can do all of it. Maybe time to reevaluate the goal and think about how you want to complete it not if

    If any talks about weight just let it go by, you have nothing to worry about just remember what I said previously about the lion and goat. We need to meet up to give you the goggles!

  3. Oh I forgot to ask do the other 2 have blogs?

  4. Awww thanks. I'm very happy with current progression and I'll start refining my goals as we get closer to the event. I like to have something to push myself towards. I'll endeavor to swim tomorrow morning depending on timings and wife\toddler arrangements. I have present from Jan for you in back of car.

  5. If I can get there in time it will be an early swim for me will text you later to confirm, I would imagine around 6:45am

  6. well I think you are already competitive! depends who you are competing against, the next challenge is always bigger...and not giving up on some instances is more of a victory then top50%...its a victory against your mind / body which gives you far more then any race results sheet will. that victory will make you stronger not only in races but in life!... but a race booking required! to check the progress!

  7. I am not Anonymous! I am Sparta.... ok I am Jan :)

  8. And there was me hoping I was getting lots of comments on my legs. I should sculpt them more. Or pose.
