Saturday 31 May 2014

106 Days left

Less than a week till me '100 days to go' post...

Yesterday 35 miles cycling, 5 miles running
Today I managed to drag myself to the lake at 0530 for a swim. Took it easy and if I wasn't conscious of needing to get home could have continued on. 2K (?) in about 42 minutes. I put the (?) as they are suposedly 1k loops but I don't know how accurate these places are. Great way to start the day regardless.

Good luck to Dan in the World Champs super sprints tomorrow!

Friday 30 May 2014

Losing weight

I am making progress. Glandular fever expedited things from a weight loss point of view but baby hasn't helped from a sugar intake point of view... Trying to train and recover with less than an ideal amount of sleep isn't easy. I'm down to about 16.5 stone I think now and still have a belly to get rid of. I found an interesting article on twitter \220 triathlon and will try out some of the tips from that.

The whole H2only thing didn't work because a) I forgot b) am trying to use recovery drinks after longer sessions rather than snack badly and c) need coffee. Won't touch alcohol for that time though. Satisfied?

Talking about twitter, do you follow me? @Geoffbeast

Here is the article:

"What I try to do to stimulate a fat burning session I’ll run or cycle for my commute to work several days a week and I’ll do that in a fasted state. I won’t have any coffee or food when I wake up in the morning which is only about 30-45 minutes depending on whether I cycle or run but it’s a smart way to optimise the session. If you’re commuting to work it’s not really a training session but if you are doing it fasted your insulin levels have leveled out while you were sleeping so everything should be at a base level."

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Me Wall

Every man who is a real man has a me wall right? I have a gap in mine. One part of that gap is from a 25m swimming certificate from when I was about 5. The other I'm not sure what to put in it. My boss suggested my degree certificate but I'm not sure how proud I am of that, I just turned up for a while and ended up with a piece of paper.

So do you get a certificate for doing an Ironman? That would be ideal! If not then I need to make some sort of display case for the medal. Perhaps a dual one that can live with my Ironman70.3 Galway medal.

The offending gap looks at me whenever I'm working from home and reminds me that I haven't achieved enough. That room is destined to become the kids' room within a year so might have to move it to the loft or something but till then it should be a source of inspiration.

Yes I know the small certificate needs a frame.

Yes I know some of them are a bit wonky.

Final note - hello to the Virgin Helpdesk people reading this from Virgin Giving. What helpful people, good eggs, salts of the earth etcetc you all are.

Friday 23 May 2014


Those of a delicate nature avoid a swoon by reading no further. Return to your Mills and Boon. For this post is about being sick.

Don't worry, nothing dreary about me needing to man up from illness again nor is it me harping on about the human larvae currently keeping the decibel level high the Hurst household. There is also no bravado ridden stories (and repeats) of alcohol induced vomiting either personal (whilst sprinting with Iaim, gaining Irish hats etc) or of Joe turning our downstairs loo\bike store red.

I decided that I need to work hard on my run as I don't think it has had the attention it deserved and the attention is has had has been jeopardised by virus and child and virus child. I've had a few outings but have almost been putting off being really engaged with it for fear of not getting in a long run as I'll be too slow to make time for it. After a conversation with Dan I realised that I just need to get out there, run faster than comfortable in the time I do have available and build on it.

Today's run, in honour of Allan A and Tori for sponsoring me, was preceded by a dinner of a large plate of beans and some fish fingers. This seemed like a good idea at the time as I expected to be running late in the evening but N gave the green light and I shot out as soon as C had passed out (just from drink folks, we don't give her anything illegal). I ran at a comfortable pace but pretty quickly a pain under my ribs returned from yesterday's run and I didn't push it. Come the golf course I made sure to accelerate into some of the small rises in the path and suddenly felt the dreaded sick rising. I manfully braced myself for an explosion, breathed in and sneezed orange. The surprise settled the remainder of my dinner and I carried on just uncomfortable.

The experience got me reflecting on times where I haven't been so lucky in keeping it down.  Here are three that spring to mind:
1) First time using a personal trainer at a gym I decided to eat two bowls of cereal prior to leaving the house for extra energy. Mid sit ups I made a small mess and then spent 10 minutes of my paid for hour MIA.
2) I ate a cheese sandwich before going for a cycle ride from home in Virginia Water. Up the hill to towards cross roads with traffic lights I saw it again.
3) Whilst playing soldier once on an attack I was ill whilst vigorously shouting something (I was probably pointing in a bold karate chop motion simultaneously) but think that was a mix of food disagreeing with me as much as pushing myself. Then I knelt in it.

Tell me about your own experiences of being sick whilst exercising in the comments or on twitter #beastingvom don't forget to include @Geoffbeast

Thanks again to those who have donated.

Quick edit:

Here is the run, it wasnt me having heart attack at begining, the strap kept falling off.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Self Control

I snack on sugary stuff in lieu of sleep if I'm not careful. At work I have bread in the freezer ready to be toasted at a moments notice to help avoid automatic snacking and the biscuit tin has not been visited anywhere near as much as it historically has been by me. Coffee is hit hard and alcohol though less frequent than previously, could still be enjoyed less.

Getting out exercising this week has proven tricky. the will has been there and even the dressing for the occasion but running out of time has meant that beastings have had to be sacrificed. A run yesterday is all. I hope to do something tonight children allowing.

I also just signed up to  H2Only, two weeks of water only for the RNLI. I'll make a donation to them if you make a donation to me for my display of self discipline.
It's 27th May to 10th June so keep an eye on this and my twitter feed to see how I get on with neither caffeine nor alcohol. Starbucks shares about to plunge...
If you're extremely impressed, even if already a donor, then please add a couple of pounds to the Macmillan kitty and be aware of the good work of the RNLI. And Macmillan of course. 

Now I'm saving lives of people with cancer at sea.

I'll merge in Battersea Dogs and Cats home or something soon.

115 Days till Ironman...

Monday 19 May 2014

This week I have mostly been


Most days I cycled for work and chucked in a ride to N's uncle's house in Sussex.

Let me total that up in my head.
Oooh, about 130 miles. Lots more hills than the common commute though I doubt as hilly as the Wales route. Not bad for commuting though.  A run and a swim on the days I didn't cycle. I'd have hoped to have got some more swimming in but it just hasnt happened. I'm looking forward to be able to get to swimming lakes early at the weekend for a bracing swim to set me up for the day. Child and wife care has been a consideration so far as well as my own energy levels. Thinking about it, that total was for last week. This week, starting today is 28 miles.

The longest ride I did was 34 miles which I did at 17.2mph including some nice hills (and finished higher than I started!) into a bit of wind. I was pleased that on arrival I was still not particularly feeling tired from it and there was no subsequent ache.

The fastest I travelled was 60kmph on my way into Windsor. It was beautiful to whizz along on roads that felt safe, werent too pot holey and if things went wrong had plenty of comfy looking grass to bail into.

Lots to talk about it but I have a short window of opportunity in which to spend some evening with my wife and more importantly watch some 24.

Saturday 17 May 2014

21st April

Events occur in real time.

Depending on the speed of your reading.

On the 20th of April, N, C and I went for a walk on the North Downs for fun and to get me out of the house (I was feeling a lot of cabin fever from the glandular fever but exertion was still making me a bit dizzy at this stage and I was tired and dehydrated a lot). Some friends round in the afternoon and off to bed early ish aware that baby could  arrive at any moment.

21st April
I was awoken at 0700 by N who told me that contractions had started. Please could I gt Catherine up and dressed, get myself showered and sorted and we'd all meet for breakfast. Mother in law and Jo given the secret words to come take care of child 1. Mid shower I was just thinking about how civilised this all was (Though I maintain I wasn't taking my time) when I heard N call to me to hurry up, she might be sounding calm but she did still have a baby on its way. Up a gear and down to breakfast.

N and I left C with Jo and plenty of Play Dough then headed off to St Peters. We arrived to be allowed into the triage in the maternity\labour ward but there were no midwives. We sat around a bit lonely for a while till one turned up for work. Lucky there wasn't a baby coming out. We were asked to go for a walk for an hour and we had a really delightful walk around Botley Manor's grounds, adjacent to St Peter's Hospital. The morning mist burnt off as we strolled along toddler less and if it hadn't have been for the occasional contraction (not me, her) it would have been a very civilised morning perambulation.

After midwife was happy that there was a baby coming and it wasn't just N with a pillow up her jumper making things up, we were allowed into the labour ward. The midwife, I was pleased to discover, was really nice and put up with my jokes. All progressing well till Anaesthetist got involved and he, all in, took about 4 hours to get an ineffective epidural into N. Most of that time she was suffering and even after it was in she continued to be an absolute trooper. I was thinking about the energy required for giving birth and the sections where a large amount of exertion is called for, definitely comparable to Ironman! Poor me, at one point in the very hot room, not having eaten much I got a glandular fever style dizziness hit me and the world around the edges of my eyes darkened. Sure signs I was about to add a casualty to the medical staff's day so I got a drink, pulled a pew and called for reinforcements.

My food replens took place with my sister delivering a large quantity of food that I bolted for lunch and Alex (who makes an awesome sandwich I have discovered) brought enough sarnies and cake for N and I to have for dinner.

Anyway baby boy ('E') arrived safe almost exactly 12 hours after N felt first contraction. Although I wouldn't say it was easy it was a lot less traumatic than when C arrived. I didn't cry when he got here which I did with C which I'm sure the Freudian minded amongst you will have something to say about.

There were some complications with N's back afterwards which made the first week pretty tough but family and friends were all amazing and really helped so thanks to all.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

must sleeeep

just a brief update that i cycled to work (and back) today. Traffic not terrible but definately annoying with lots of traffic lights. Seemed to be a lot of wind around and not just from my son. Despite this I was pleased to average about 17mph each way.

we did not sleep much last night. Send coffee
and food.


Tuesday 6 May 2014

From the ashes

Yesterday I returned to work after a month off. It was very difficult to leave family in its new guise for the first time, as it had been for C. The glandular fever seems to have gone other than the fact that I'm still drinking a bonkers amount of water (4 pints water 1 pint milk over night tonight) and often waking with a headache still even when relatively well rested.
I had done a very short jog in the last week to stretch my legs and other than that i had just been doing an increasing number of press ups sit ups and back exercises (as well as some physio things). I had needed to recover properly before getting back into it for fear of setting something off again, especially with how tired I am with newborn. Also I wanted to make sure N feels properly supported with toddler and baby around in these early days rather than me trying to do too much and us all having breakdowns. I hold my daddy drills and good husband responsibilities sacred, family first hooah. Just re read that and it makes me sound like a martyr... I thoroughly enjoy it too. E smiling and C reading first book at 2.5, counting toes in Slovak or dancing around singing national anthem to herself is utterly amazing. Time with wife isn't a chore either and she laughs at some of my jokes (she must not understand the others).

Now I'm back at work i have the opportunity to fit beastings into commute and lunchtimes and time has marched on enough for illness and post baby arrival to allow me to start pushing myself. I'm rather tired. Baby only settles on front, midwives tell us we aren't allowed to do that so we have screaming puking baby or wrath of NHS to balance. He feeds every two hours and needs burping thennsettling after each. This means he is healthy and going for the prop forward look but N is being a hero in supporting him. At night I'm often doing the bits around the feed to ensure we maximise the rest each of us get.

I managed a 5 mile run followed by press ups, sit ups, back raises, hops (40 of each) today on the long walk. I hadn't eaten much and was tired but enjoyed being out and didn't disgrace myself. Thighs aching a little now but otherwise all good.

So that's where I am at the moment. I intend to revisit the last couple of weeks in future posts but was keen to get writing again. Baby asleep now (430ish) so i should be too. Night.