Monday 14 April 2014


It's amazing! Today I have awoken and feel better than I have since the morning of the half marathon a couple of weeks ago. I managed a few spoonfuls of cereal (water, no milk) and tea with honey. I just feel normal ill basically.

I'd like to congratulate Rebecca and Dan and George and Fonze on the births of their little girls in the last few days, I'm really pleased for both couples and can't wait to meet  the girls. I'm sure my wider readership would want to join me in three resounding huzzahs.
Also my less wide readship can join in.

Hip hip hip
Hip hip hip
Hip hip hip

Friday 11 April 2014


Few more days till baby due, training, work to get tied before taking holiday when baby arrives and ATC stuff I have been keen to sort. All now overshadowed by Glandular Fever. How many of those difficult starts, lethargic beasts and slow recoveries have been down to the gestation of this? Who knows but its very annoying and hopefully will go away sooner rather than later. Some keep the lethargy for a while after it kicks off in earnest so my Dr tells me but who knows.


Donations might help.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Vom and not for good reasons.

I've just been sick and not through beasting myself or drunk racing Iain or back after st patricks day 5 pint sprint hat challenge. I've spent last few days in bed. I'm feeling undeniably frustrated that the weather is perfect for training and I'm cooped up. Let me tell you about my first triathlon, I need a distraction.

Young Hurst, full of beans and spunk etc as any man in his prime, had signed up on a whim through the OTC. A minibus ride during which i first properly met Meg driven by a Sergeant Major who refused to talk to me because I, actually I'm not sure why, flew by with gradual increase in nerves. I had my hybrid bike which was more mountain bike than road but top end amongst my fellow initiates. I breaststroked around the lake in the surfing wetsuit, held my own on the bike and even seem to remember doing not terribly on the run. As I crossed the finish line marked by a brace of PTIs the Sergeant Major approached me, shook my hand and told me I 'can move for a big lad'. We were chums after that. Think shaggy and Scooby, always in trouble. Hero of the day was Dangerous who despite some terrible kit and his usual self imposed dramas trundled in last but a) said something very witty whilst doing so and b) kept racing. Also I just remembered the time he got told off for eating a furtive sandwich whilst we were getting trained on the Javeline simulator.

back to wallowing in self pity for lack of YOUR donation (unless you have in which case thank you and spread the word) and this man virus that would have crippled any lesser exhibit of a Y chromosome bearer.

Friday 4 April 2014

Bored now

0600. I'm awake, a bit hungry but not feeling headachey as I wake naturally after a restorative sleep. Hoorah! Thinks I! Lots of sleep must have cured me, I can go for a pre-family waking run, maybe come back and chuck in some sit ups etc. My peaceful inner monologue is disturbed by my bladder having a toddler tamtrum that all too soon it may display a toddler like lack of control. Ah! Just what I need to be the filip to getting up. As I swung my gloriously muscled (true story, feel them some time) legs out of bed I swiftly used the rotational momentum to propel the rest of my body to the standing. At which point I found myself in a world of dizzy and thumping head. A trip to the loo and back to bed with my proverbial tail between my legs and less inclination to beast. Just frustration. I'll try and do some bike and kit maintenance this weekend just so I'm not completely wasting it in Iron prep terms.
I'm also going to review my bike storage solutions both in terms of where bikes are kept and what I store on the bikes. There were a few bits of kit on the MountainBike leader course that i decided as essential and, thanks to Iain's patient teach, now in my ability to use. Chain tools etc. On road bike i want pouch slightly more accessible than under the frame, the triangular ppuch I currently have (bought i think for my Father's London to Brighton ride and stolen by me since) is fine for riding but could cost seconds or wobbles in a race. Also things get stuck down the bottom of it.

My nice new blue cycle shorts from N remain un tested, I need to start considering tri suits too. Green macmillan one? If you donate £1000 and pay for it I'll get a bespoke one made up with a large picture of you on it.

Talking of donating please do! Get me better through the flow of money. There are two donation sites just giving and virgin giving virgin take a minute amount less than just giving but donations to either warmly received. Go.


I took Dangerous' advice and went to my GP. First of all, gosh its difficult to get a GP appointment. Then went to work as it wasn't till PM and by the end of my mile walk into the office I was a sweaty dead grumpy man. Work happened then dizzy stroll back to car before racing to the surgery. En route I was thoroughly briefed on how wrong the doctor would be and what I had to negotiate. After this I spoke to my mother who gave me the same advice. Then I spoke by text to Dan who I think said I need a new bike and that a cold sea swim would make me better. The doctor checked me over thoroughly told me I have a virus and that I'm obviously knackered and not allowing myself enough drugs (why was I exercising and working? I didn't tell her about half marathon...). Ah ha! Says I, timidly, I knew you'd say that but I have a family history of lots (most of my ancestors are dead) and I want a blood test!

Weekend of real rest, drugs and not being silly and if no better then then she'd do that. She was convinced in her diagnosis.
Found my skipping rope when I got home. 30 seconds and my calf feels damaged. Maybe a weekend of niece birthday and time with family is just what the Janco, Wife, Mother, Doctor, Dangerous and Daughter asked for. I want to be whizzing on a bike and I'm certainly pining for the pool. And fjords. Should have installed McAfee.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Lets have a think about this

I don't care what the weatherman says if the weatherman says there is smog, you don't hear me on the grog.
I was going to run today but this dizziness that started last Thursday is sapping, I constantly feel like I should be asleep. At least headaches gone. Ok, I need a differential diagnosis.
Headache starting from back of the neck.
Lethargic feeling
Not gone since Thurs
Relieved by paracetemol (sp?)
A bit grumpy
Otherwise fine

Medical core of my readership particularly welcome to comment, any wanna be quacks amongst you crack on too.
Channel your inner House.
I rode yesterday despite feeling crap but had to as commuting and had intended to run tonight but just want to shake this nonsense. About to read stuff about birthing and then Guards Guards. Staring at a screen probably isn't helping.