Wednesday 8 April 2015


I know I know, ages since the last post.

This morning on my ride to work, the first warm spring day on which I've had the pleasure to do so, I found lots of other riders to chase. One such chap joined my rode a few hundred meters ahead of me and rode furiously. I dropped lower (it was a bit blowy) and spun up to gain on him. After Runnymede roundabout I went all out to catch him, confident that I could swing by and maintain a good pace to stay ahead after. I then noticed that he was on a single speed bike.  There was no honour any more in me beating him even though I hadn't changed gears as its so flat round there so I did the gentlemanly thing and allowed him to draft me into Windsor. He looked a bit less composed at that point which did wonders for my sense of not having lost too much phys.

Two ladies in small cars undertook me at inappropriate places today. Odd.

Amazing to be out in the sunshine though. Run last night, more cycling tomorrow. Woohoo.