Tuesday 6 May 2014

From the ashes

Yesterday I returned to work after a month off. It was very difficult to leave family in its new guise for the first time, as it had been for C. The glandular fever seems to have gone other than the fact that I'm still drinking a bonkers amount of water (4 pints water 1 pint milk over night tonight) and often waking with a headache still even when relatively well rested.
I had done a very short jog in the last week to stretch my legs and other than that i had just been doing an increasing number of press ups sit ups and back exercises (as well as some physio things). I had needed to recover properly before getting back into it for fear of setting something off again, especially with how tired I am with newborn. Also I wanted to make sure N feels properly supported with toddler and baby around in these early days rather than me trying to do too much and us all having breakdowns. I hold my daddy drills and good husband responsibilities sacred, family first hooah. Just re read that and it makes me sound like a martyr... I thoroughly enjoy it too. E smiling and C reading first book at 2.5, counting toes in Slovak or dancing around singing national anthem to herself is utterly amazing. Time with wife isn't a chore either and she laughs at some of my jokes (she must not understand the others).

Now I'm back at work i have the opportunity to fit beastings into commute and lunchtimes and time has marched on enough for illness and post baby arrival to allow me to start pushing myself. I'm rather tired. Baby only settles on front, midwives tell us we aren't allowed to do that so we have screaming puking baby or wrath of NHS to balance. He feeds every two hours and needs burping thennsettling after each. This means he is healthy and going for the prop forward look but N is being a hero in supporting him. At night I'm often doing the bits around the feed to ensure we maximise the rest each of us get.

I managed a 5 mile run followed by press ups, sit ups, back raises, hops (40 of each) today on the long walk. I hadn't eaten much and was tired but enjoyed being out and didn't disgrace myself. Thighs aching a little now but otherwise all good.

So that's where I am at the moment. I intend to revisit the last couple of weeks in future posts but was keen to get writing again. Baby asleep now (430ish) so i should be too. Night.

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