Monday 13 January 2014

Music to calm the savage beast?

I have been listening to my entire playlist on shuffle as I haven't yet sorted out my Beasting Playlist. One song,  Meredith Brooks' 'Bitch' got me singing out loud though I don't think I know the words. It made me realise that I haven't done karaoke for far too long. Possibly the last time was in a small pub in Okehampton the year I first started going out with the lovely lady who is now my wife. Just proves how attractive I must be when karaoking. I also stumbled onto Sir Mix A Lot's 'Baby Got Back' a delightful pastoral piece that champions women's rights and is sponsored by Obesity UK. Whilst listening to that song I wondered if there were any other Sir Mix A Lot songs or if he recorded that one and realised that he could never surpass that perfection. It transpires that in a crazy bid to make money more than one song was much mixed and he has a song called Iron Man. Recover your poise please blogee, if that ironic revelation hit you as hard as a mix a lot rump slap (as it did me) then you'll need a second or two. Good to proceed? Ok. 
Some of the lyrics struck a chord with me: "Live a hard life, shave with a knife
Love to get freaky on the gloomiest nights" and "Flesh like steel, MC's kneel
Mickey D's Shrimp Salad not part a my meal".

After a beautiful day I managed to find a weather window for which deluge sounds a bit too dry. My left hamstring, up by the gluteus Maximus (commander of the legions of the North) has been a bit suspect after I did something silly though not for these pages yesterday.* I ran gently and more on my toes than usual and ended up going much faster than I'd anticipated despite the twinge. A glimmer of fitness perhaps? I love running in the pouring rain, once a certain level of saturation has been achieved it becomes a purely liberating experience. Weights and abs afterwards. Need to work on my sit ups.

My daughter calls icebergs 'iceburgers'. I was hoping to intricately weave that snippet of her adorable linguistic development seamlessly into this post but it's too late and I'm up early tomorrow.

*this made me think a lot about art, the nature of blogging, benefits of anonymity (which I lack) as a blogger and protecting private life versus giving you something interesting to read. A stream of consciousness slightly refined from my beasting is the best I can offer today.

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