Tuesday 7 January 2014

My wish list

New running shorts. I am down to one decent, non chafing, pair now.
New warm cycle trousers
New headset for bike (booked in for tomorrow)
New Garmin Forerunner 310XT (due for replacement any day soon, stay tuned)
New running play list for my phone (suggestions?). Updated iPhone and it lost previous one.
More running socks. I spent money on some decent double layer running socks and have been blister free since. Although my toenails did turn black after the marathon but I dont blame socks for that.
Another pair of trainers. I'm not sure how much abuse these are going to be able to take, a pair of trail shoes would be good in this weather
Race entry into at least an Olympic Tri, a Marathon and a cycling Sportif in advance of the Ironman
Swimming membership at lots of gyms as I alternate (to keep paparazzi guessing)
To smash my fundraising target
To gain a large following on Beasting Blog (if each of you reading this now recommended it to one million friends each I would have a million followers. Go.)
More time to be a husband, daddy, friend, employee, gentleman of leisure, and most importantly, in the context of this blog, beaster.
Big bearded man to visit me with the above. I don't care if that is Hagrid, Santa Claurious ( as my daughter insists he is called), Brian Blessed or Gimli son of Gloin.

I'm on a first aid course for the next couple of days. I hope to figure out how to update blog from my phone to keep all my loyal blogees entertained.
Gosh, as an aside, I should write a chillingly professional and unexpectedly triumphant blog post then yell  "Are you not entertained!?" Something for May perhaps. Now I want to watch Gladiator.

I undertook a lunchtime run today to the Copper Horse and back. I hopped a surprising amount for a grown man last night (as part of the drills a physio gave me after Army buggered up my ankle) so my calves were tighter than the training top that I bought whilst I was skinny then couldn't take off after using it as a base layer yesterday. Same awesome headwind on the way up then seemingly perfect tranquillity on the way back meant that listening to @bbcouch podcast was tricky for first half then good for second.

I'm wondering how much to promote this blog. I don't want to make people fed up with me but I don't want to look at the google analytics and realise that only my wife reads it (and Dan actually, make it two million). I'll try to update 5/6 times a week and perhaps mention it fortnightly. I'm looking forward to playing with the blog software too to see what exciting features it has.

Stay safe out there folks.


  1. How much difference does double layer running socks make over long long distances? I usually rock Bridgedales <10 miles without any damage/drama! JM

  2. IM Wales looks awesome. Tenby is a lovely town. I've new winter gear on order so we should definitely go for a bike ride late Jan/Early feb if you're free?

  3. A Kentish ride would be delightful Dangerous ! JM, they are the only pair that I've found that prevent blisters on my instep, even on halfs and full marathon.
