Sunday 5 January 2014

Every man should have a favourite pair of trousers

They're what set us apart from apes. What are yours?

I could do with some warm cycling trousers as my options are cycle shorts or tri suit at the moment. The last pair I owned were eaten.*  This stormy weather is not ideal at all and I only really have a functional road bike (other than the steering), the MTB from N's uncle is quite small and has a baby seat betwixt rider and handlebars. I'm not rushing out to buy them because I can keep my toes warm with the overshoes whilst my legs can man up and keep moving. I can cope with foul weather to an extent but I struggle to reconcile putting my life in the hands of cars who value getting to their destination 10 seconds faster over C having a Daddy.

So tonight I was on the turbo trainer, decent amount of time with some exhausting sections. The disappointing issue is that my Point Break DVD doesn't have subtitles as with toddler sleeping upstairs it has to be quite loud to be heard over the whirring of my exertions (weights, push ups, sit ups and ironing after bike).  She slept soundly however and I wasn't paying too much attention to the film. It demonstrates that it is a viable beasting option when I am IC toddler.

IC toddler is definitely and increasingly the state in which I will find myself as the Mark II arrives. I currently endeavour to utilise the park's equipment as an outdoor gym to the delight of children and bafflement of fellow responsibles. A challenge for me is going to be incorporating my time with C with other activities over this year. Ideas welcomed, though I do hope to do lots of walking bearing she in my Osprey Poco Premium whilst clad in my finest walking trousers (of which I'm extremely fond).

Whether lounge pants or jeans
Clean stone chinos or tartan troos
Regardless of state of seams
and garish or palatable hues
I'd argue to the death the importance
in judging any man's substance,
(its absense a profanation)
clear trouser prioritisation.

Which reminds me, I was once "corduroy invited" to a party and I regret not going.

*By the washing machine


  1. Do you still own the purple cord's and cravat? Do they not feature in your favourite?

  2. I do still have my cords but they are a bit big for me.

    Cravats aren't trousers...
