Tuesday 11 March 2014


Whilst I have been active I must admit to 3 days of no what we in the beasting trade would consider proper beastings. Excuses and other things I was doing could pour forth but at the end of the day I could have always sat on the turbo trainer instead of sleeping.

I've noticed that not all beastings are transferring from my new watch to Garmin Connect which is a bit frustrating as I was hoping to show off a ride on which I deliberately pushed myself down some hills with a no breaks policy. Having broken bones a few times biking and being blessed with higher than average momentum when at speed I waste a lot of energy on downhills. Its something I HAVE to fix for Wales... Previously doing a bike workshop to build up confidence, losing weight and building up my core strength has helped along with practice but I need to go one step further now and actually make the most of these hills and not just survive them. I think often it is the threat of traffic pulling out on me, cutting me up or overtaking towards me and not judging my speed that worries me. Last year heading into henley I was going over 40mph when a lorry decided to try to overtake me. He panicked when he realised how fast I was going and that there was oncoming traffic so instead of dropping back (maybe he couldnt with that weight but that makes me wonder even more why he tried it) he pulled in towards me.

At that point I didnt own the bike and two thoughts crossed my mind. 1) Iaim Neesom is going to kill me if I trash his bike and 2) N is going to kill me if I get killed.
Luckily the beautiful defy responded well to my evasive and breaking maneuver and carried me safely on. I have a lot of trust in that bike! He then stopped at the bottom of the hill, presumably to see if I was alive or under him, which didnt help my patience for what could have been a gorgeous sweep into the town. You can have a link to that garmin ride instead if you like. http://connect.garmin.com/jsPlayer/181608048
That ride also taught me not to carry a backpack on a long ride and I should have learnt from it to stock ibpurofen!

Anyway, my bike to work today was extremely slow due to traffic and traffic lights. Extremely boring. Might go a longer but less stop starty way next time.

Promise I'll work harder.

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