Saturday 8 February 2014


I took C swimming this morning and on the way there we visited the library.* It is national library day #nld14 today, as publicised by twitter, so I strolled in with expectations of a carnival (but quiet) atmosphere. Instead, the usual nice lady, crazy old lady and teenage girl who I suspect to be volunteering for her DofE (I can smell a participant a mile off) were all doing there usual thing. This was today reassuring one of the tea and biscuit ladies that they shouldn't be annoyed with the other tea and biscuit lady for not being there as she wasn't supposed to be there till 1030 and it was only 1000. C checked her books in, received a bag for getting all the penguin stamps on her loyalty card, and bumbled off to select new books. I had a quick look around, realised that my hopes of anything special for #NLD14 were dashed and helped C select new books. As we were leaving, C running the gauntlet of strange old people who feel obliged to try ineffectively to make her laugh, I noticed a small sign advertising the fact that it was indeed #NLD14! Stopping C, I turned to the nearest lady and asked about the drawing competition it advertised starting at 1000. I was told to come back later as it hadn't started, I suspect they didn't have a clue about it. I intimated that it was well past 1000 and that if stay if they could find out and was told (after careful scrutiny of the poster) that the winner was being picked at 1215 so I should go back then. This was repeated when I asked if that would give C time to actually draw something so I wished them well and followed a relieved C back to the car.

Swimming with her was great, not been for a couple of weeks due to potty training (her, not me, I was trained months ago). I take advantage to stretch, kick legs hard or swim with we on my back as well as attempt to persuade C that submerging her is about fun not drowning. She's getting confident now though it's great fun.

Home to work in the garden, chopping and sawing firewood and clearing the house interspersed with exercises and all done in cycling shorts as I hope to turbo train as soon as jobs were done.

C and I watched the England game together (only watched the Wales game intermittently and did some hoovering). N mocks me for some of the things I now yell at the TV and laughs a lot at C's immitation of or reaction to those strange words or noises in lieu of swear words. Oh well.

After bed time, loft trip, tidy time and some rearranging of furniture I eventually set up the turbo and got in a tough hour. Plenty of stretches and some physio exercises rounded off my afternoon of activity. A quick shower before eating gorgeous stew made by gorgeous wife.

Active day, productive day, England win, lots of time with C and prospect of seeing chums for lunch tomorrow. What a happy chappie I am.

*for some reason autocorrect on my phone just changed that to 'way there we busted the library' which would have been a more interesting story.

1 comment:

  1. Was surprised to see that you had not busted the library after the drawing competition fiasco!

    so only 3 stories in since my last read and already I feel like the run I did this morning wasn't quite enough and want to go again! so a river run in Prague tomorrow am perhaps!... also we have a huge office building and everyone is claiming there is no shower! I am determined and I will find one! or bring one with me!...

    as I read this blog and know you want encouragement I will say that I do not see enough endurance 1hr+ type activities happening very often! in 7 months you will be flat out for 10-14hrs (anymore and I will not talk to you anymore!)... I expect posts in the next 2 weeks to have an activity that is more then 3hrs long! :)... much love
