Sunday 23 February 2014

Creeping realisation

Gentlemen, a creeping realisation is stealing its way into my conciousness. Ladies stop reading please.

I did my first half marathon of the year yesterday and before I left. Hey! You there, woman, stop reading, I've already told you once! Before I left N advised that I should take some water with me. I almost rejected the idea until I remembered how I have suffered from lack of water on longer runs before and how much I throw down myself on organised events. A disposable water bottle with a soluble SIS electrolyte tablet crumbled in accompanied me.

It dawned on me whilst I was running that the water idea was quite typical of N's support at the moment and was very accurate for what I need as the sweaty man I am. Similarly perceptive comments on kit, nutrition, sleep, opportunities to beast and injury management or prevention are not uncommon. How could she know this much? What a natural coach! The fingers of the subconscious slinking figure hovered in my peripheral vision before grabbing my shoulder and spinning me on my axis to present his hypothesis.

Gentlemen, I have a horrid feeling that our good women folk listen to us. It seems that N has accumulated 9 years of experience in listening to my grumbles, complaints, excuses, triumphant exultation at successful new methods, feedback on dabbled-in techniques, positive reflections on training and advice from friends. This is now, in my months of need, being assimilated, processed and regurgitated to keep me on track and excuse free.

To what other aspect of our lives does this apply? How much other data from what we say, whether in heat of moment, reflective discussion or overheard is stored in such a manner, ready to be brought out at a moments notice as hard hitting information? I dread to think.

With these thoughts in my mind, oh ladies, you can start reading again now, I tackled what N labelled the Seven Hills Half Marathon. There is no point in me building up on the flat easier courses as I only have seven months till a hilly race and this is the best I can do from my doorstep. Out to the main road, two laps of the roads on the circumference of the St George's Estate, and back into Byfleet. Just over 14 miles in all, 13.2 is just as I get back to the village. Lap one I listened to music and tried to keep to an average of 6.5 mph. On lap two I reigned it back to average of 6mph as a niggle in my ankle and some back twinges were bothering me. Main effort was to get round though. On the downhill past P&G my ankle really started playing up (not army ankle incidentally), which by the end was bothersome.

I really enjoyed the run, exertion for two hours was not a problem, legs were OK other than niggles, the main muscle limitation seemed to be hamstrings.

I've woken today with painful ankle and no other aches so I'm pleased. 6mph ave over the 13.2 miles. Something to build from and I'm now mentally happy to start doing, hopefully, that distance weekly. At destination now, bye!


  1. I have to date agreed on all blogs but this one really strikes home how observant you are. this phenomena of women listening has indeed happened to me too. Katka seams to know when I need to drink water - prepares carb appropriate food prior to long training sessions. and even goes to such details as checking headtorch...

    The 14miler sounds awesome! good running and at 6mph/h 7 months out is a damn good place to be. could you have gone faster were it a race? I assume so:).

  2. Yes I could have gone faster if I wasn't concious of need to recover and lack of familiarity with how much energy I needed to conserve.

    I'm shocked to hear reported how many ladies ignored my command. They should all sponsor me £2 to say sorry.

  3. I'm sponsoring you £100 but you need to be very proud of me cos I had to work out how to access this bloggy (what's it called?) thing all by myself without a shouty lesson. Good on you Nicky........oh, I mean Geoff! LoL. it's asking me to 'Select Profile'....what do I doooo???
