Sunday 3 August 2014

Over the Hills and Far Away

0400 my alarm went off (what does the 'o' stand for? Oh my god its early!) 0408 i was dragging my aching carcass downstairs and putting on coffee machine. After some digesting, faffing, minor bike alterations and other such routine actions. I headed out. I had intended to leave at 5 but I'm out of practice for that routine
It was about 0530 then that I hit the roads with no one else for company other than a lorry and some startled deer until i reached Newlands Corner. I made my way from there along the A25 to Dorking where I headed North to find Box Hill. Not having been there on a bike for some time and certainly not on Iaim's bike I wasn't sure how to approach it. I think in my mind I had blown it up significantly, the hype about it from bike races probably didn't help. Still significantly up though. First time up I cycled along with the first other cyclist I had seen and we had a very civilised conversation. Down the other side I began to get a feel for how Iaim's bike handles fast corners on imperfect roads. 4 more laps followed. By the Fifth I was a) slower b) much more confident downhill c) much more restricted by other road users d) a bit bored of it e) out of water and needing a wee. I solved those problems, finished my circuit to Dorking then cycled home the same way I had come. Into an increasing headwind I was sad to note but nothing disastrous and can't complain as its all good training. Just under 5.5 hours. 4500foot gained total elevation just over 90 miles ridden. Wasn't too blown by it though did realise i need to work on fueling strategy as my body told me to do one whenever I considered gels this morning. Squeezed 2 in as well as some energy bites n made for me but could do with much more. Lubrication options will ne looked into, OK today but don't want to get hit by that. There was something else I learnt and meant to ask Dan about but cant remember what it was now luckily I have a budding nutritionist and expert baker of a wife helping square me away for future rides.

1 comment:

  1. Can you remember the question? Was it 'how did you get so awesome?'
