Wednesday 27 August 2014

18 Days to go

I had a quick look at my fundraising efforts today and in the process of doing so noticed that I have 18 days left. All that I now fear is the uncontrollable and seeing as it is uncontrollable, like my wife, I'll just have to get on with it and focus on the rest of it.

I am now at a stage of working out what I should eat before and during the race, what I should wear depending on the weather and what pose I should make as I cross the finish line. It feels so in grasp after all this time now that I'm very much looking forward to it. The event will be tough and may or may not go to plan but the really hard stuff is pretty much done now. Cutting out the booze till after the race, a few gentle sessions and as much time at the osteopath as possible.

Today I was inadvertently struck by some joie de vivre when running. A trot to the top of the long walk had me cursing the cold I seem to be battling, hating my back and worrying about various other twinges. Once I started running proper though I just decided to run for fun rather than the jog as planned. A fartlek style session with pushups and sit ups and various other such kinesthetic exercises ensued.

I really can imagine crossing that finish line. 200 meters out the adrenaline and surge from the crowd will kick in, all pain will dissipate and my form will dramatically improve (posing for finishing pics) 100m to go I'll realise that was quite far to try to sprint finish and focus on enjoying the moment and looking for family and friends. I had tears in my eyes on last half ironman as I was in so much pain with my back but I hope this time it will be tears of joy only. "Geoff Hurst, you are an Ironman!" On the tannoy, medal slung over me and I desperately want to hug wife and kids irrelevant of the smell. I wont mind it at all.

Picturing that, moments of prior triumph, knowing the amount of donations and support I've had and all that I've overcome to get to the start line this year will get me through any tough moments in the race. 'Keep going' was my mantra in Galway I think, I'll probably come up with something equally positive on this race.

Thanks to Iaim fornfixing my bike then doing the ice bucket challenge on it naked...

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