Tuesday 27 January 2015

Wonder Woman

I went for a run recently. "Just popping out for a short run" I cried, leaving my wife building a fort out of her receipts needed for her tax return. She was also fortified with some prosecco so I didn't feel too guilty but I was conscious of needing to get back.

In a ritualistic, reverential, rapture only piqued with a pinch of procrastination, I pulled on various buffs, outer layers and gadgets before going out my front door. “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to".

My turn off for the planned circuit was promptly passed as I felt a sense of energy in my legs geed on by a part of my brain reassuring myself that N didn't really need me around. I'd only get in the way. I dont know much about tax returns anyway. Probably wants me to go for a longer run. I was swept off in Brooklands direction and completed hill sprints until my legs decided that actually those receipts had looked a bit complicated and N could possibly do with some support, moral or otherwise.

On my return glass two and month six were well under way. I performed some exercises with weights then was about to disappear briefly for a shower when an interesting proposition was put my way. The Wonder Woman Workout as seen on Pinterest. Other super hero workouts are available.

N suggested that she would be interested in doing this set of 10 exercises, all with some Wonder Woman related pose or specific body sculpting benefit but it would help if I went through it first to test it.

I think the lunges were my undoing. I cramped up a couple of exercises on from them and knew that I was no Wonder Woman. However if I persevere I'll go from this:

 To this in no time:

Man did I ache the next day and the day after that. Wonderful.

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