Wednesday 7 January 2015


My gran (Nannan) kindly gave me some money for Christmas and I'm pleased to say that it is going towards phys! Specifically I have entered Iceman Duathlon on 7th Feb. Not even sure what it entails other than i need to get practicing on mountain bike. Wonder if I should dress as Frozen character..?

On ride home tonight I was crossing the M3 on bridge shortly after Thorpe park and heard a cracking noise. The headwind was right in my teeth and strong with the occasional gust from the side took some concentration so the rear wheel kicking out slightly didn't trouble me though i wasn't sure if it was a puncture or something more serious. A few more meters and i felt like she would get me over the bridge and into safety of Chertsey, no thanks to the cars squeezing by me at high speed, eager to join back of traffic queue at roundabout I presume. A 4x4 was one of these and a lady screamed out of it at me as it swerved slightly in my path after going by me. Couldn't hear what she said but i presume it was along the lines of get off the road. I worried that she might have been trying to tell me that my light had fallen off or some catastrophic (but unapparent to me) drama had happened to the back of my bike.
When i go to the bottom of the hill i pulled into the left hand lane. I could feel an odd wobble in my rear wheel and a decision to pull over combined with a gust of wind and manoeuvre caused me to overcook into the curb. I am pleased, on reflection, that I remained calm and aimed my fall at a green patch and away from road and metal objects, tucking in nicely and even managing to get a foot loose. Ended up in a laughing heap. no one stopped.

Nothing hurt but my pride. a spoke is gone but i got home OK. the wheel feels extremely wobbly so it can look forward to trip to bike company Windsor. i trust them and Iaim with her!

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